Invisalign Wimbledon

Show off your smile, not your braces! To straighten your smile almost invisibly, Invisalign is a revolutionary treatment

If you’re looking to straighten your teeth, but don’t want to be stuck with metal braces, the Invisalign treatment from Dove Dental & Wellbeing Spa that covers areas in Wimbledon could be the solution you’ve been looking for. If you are self-conscious about your teeth or smile, Invisalign can help you get the beautiful smile you deserve. Invisalign uses a series of clear and virtually invisible braces to straighten your teeth, even if traditional braces aren’t an option for you. Because the aligners are completely hidden when you wear them, you can easily integrate them into your daily routine so that the treatment becomes a natural part of your life, allowing you to achieve the smile you want faster than ever before. We will discuss what Invisalign is and how it works so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for you. So if you want to know more about Invisalign, read on!

 What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners that straighten your teeth without having to wear awkward braces. They are removable so eating is not difficult, meaning you can have a normal diet during treatment. Wimbledon patients can enjoy a superb smile without any embarrassment thanks to our outstanding orthodontist treatment. For more information about our Invisalign treatment, please contact us today!

How Does Invisalign Work?

Treatment will work by progressively changing the position of your teeth so you won’t have to endure the hassles that can come with traditional orthodontic braces. Your treatment plan will vary based on factors such as how much correction you need and how long you’ve been wearing braces. We’ll take an impression of your teeth, send it to our lab, and send you back custom-made aligners for a personalised treatment plan. If any adjustments are needed, we can make those changes. Once your aligners have been adjusted to fit comfortably, you’ll visit our clinic every few weeks for a progress check. Once your treatment is completed, we’ll provide retainers to keep your teeth from shifting back out of place. 

After your initial consultation, we’ll show you exactly how our dental practice can help transform your smile. Our friendly team will explain exactly how it works, making sure you feel comfortable before proceeding. At Dove Dental & Wellbeing Spa, you’re always in control of your treatment plan and aware of what to expect next. Contact us today to get started on your perfect smile!



Invisalign Benefits 

    • The aligners help to straighten crooked teeth and also fix other problems like crowding, underbites, open bites, and crossbites. 
    • Invisalign clear aligners are less noticeable than traditional wire or bracket braces
    • The treatment usually takes less time to treat.
    • You are not limited to certain foods (unlike traditional braces, as you will have to avoid anything too sticky, candy, gum, and hard items like apples that could damage your brackets.) 
    • Just brush and floss as you normally would, and the results will be cleaner than those from traditional braces. It is likely that you will have no cavities or any decalcification spots on your teeth.
    • The results can be impressive, going from hiding your teeth to smiling confidently in Invisalign before and after photos.  
    • Your teeth will be more comfortable with aligners with traditional metal braces

How Invisalign Can Help You

Invisalign can treat: 

    • Crowded teeth (not enough room for all of your teeth)
    • Spaced teeth (gaps in between your teeth)
    • Overbite (when the upper teeth sit too far in front of the lower teeth) 
    • Underbite (when the lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth)
    • Open bite (when upper and lower teeth don’t meet)
    • Crossbite (when some lower teeth are located on the inside and upper teeth are on the outside)
    • General teeth straightening



    Length of Invisalign Treatment

    The amount of time it takes to get straight teeth using Invisalign can vary. Sometimes, the process can take over a year. With most patients, the duration of Invisalign will depend on how quickly teeth move and how often aligners are worn. Our staff members will assist you in finding out if Invisalign is appropriate for you and then set you on the road to straighter teeth as soon as possible.

    Invisalign FAQs

    Are Invisalign Aligners Comfortable?
    When you wear Invisalign aligners, it feels like you have nothing on your teeth. They’re comfortable and easy to care for, too. You can eat, drink and brush just as you normally would—including with toothpaste. Plus, most people can’t even tell you’re wearing them! It should come as no surprise that they’re one of our most popular treatment options at Dove Dental & Wellbeing Spa in Earlsfield. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
    Will The Aligner Affect My Speech?
    A vast majority of patients do not experience an impact on their speech when wearing an aligner, due to its plastic material. If you’re concerned about your speech being affected by Invisalign treatment, it’s best to discuss it with your dentist during your initial consultation. They will be able to determine whether or not Invisalign is right for you based on several factors such as teeth alignment and jaw shape.
    How Do You Clean Invisalign?
    Clean your aligners by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water, with either special tablets or hydrogen peroxide and letting them soak for 30 minutes. Make sure to brush your teeth after each meal before re-inserting your aligners. 
    How Often Should Aligners Be Worn?
    For most patients, aligners are worn for about 22 hours each day and removed only for eating, drinking, brushing teeth and attending dental appointments. For example, if you wear aligners every day according to your treatment plan, then you would remove them at bedtime. This schedule allows enough time for your teeth to move gradually into their new positions over a period of months. However, some people choose to wear their aligners longer than recommended to speed up their treatment process. Although you could complete your entire Invisalign treatment in less time by wearing aligners longer than recommended, it is not advisable since doing so can cause damage or discomfort to your teeth and gums.

    Benefits of Invisible Treatment

    If you’re considering orthodontic treatment but do not like the thought of fixed braces, then clear aligners could prove the ideal solution. Our patients love the fact that they are:

    Almost invisible

    It’s barely noticeable you’re having your teeth straightened


    Each set of aligners are unique to your teeth


    Eat and brush as normal throughout treatment

    Less painful

    Invisalign aligners can be less painful than traditional metal braces
    If you are not sure about Invisalign but are still interested in straightening your teeth with orthodontic treatment, our dentists can talk you through all the available treatment options for you during an initial consultation.